Six Common Heaters Problems

While we enjoy perfect tropical temperatures in Thailand, sometimes we need a reliable heater when temperatures plummet. Unfortunately, even the most sturdy and efficient heaters do fail at one point or another. Understanding the common causes of heater failure can help you prevent most problems early on. 

So, continue reading to learn about the most common causes of heater failure, according to ThaiMain.

Clogged Filters

Filters are an essential part of all heaters, regardless of the size and model. Their central role is to protect the blower fan and other components from pollutants, dirt, and debris. If they become clogged, filters will reduce the efficiency of your heater. Failure to have them cleaned might result in serious issues, such as a broken limit switch and costly repairs.

Broken Heat Exchanger

The heat exchanger keeps your heater running safely by separating the flame from the air. Unfortunately, it might crack if you periodically fail to replace your air filter. Heat exchangers also break due to overheating. A broken heat exchanger is a costly issue that requires a replacement. 

Malfunctioning Blower Belt

Your heaters have a blower belt that keeps the fan running. Unfortunately, your heater's blower belt might fray due to improper tension, misalignment of pulleys, and environmental factors. Signs of a broken blower belt include squealing sounds, broken pieces, and unfamiliar smells.


If your heater keeps kicking on, especially after a cycle, you are dealing with a severe issue. In most cases, over-cycling results from clogged filters, incorrect airflow, or overheating. It is best to deal with the problem immediately before your electricity bills skyrocket. 

Old Age

All heaters have a lifespan. On average, most heaters last for about 10-12 years. Newer units are more advanced and long-lasting. You must also schedule routine maintenance and inspection to keep them running in perfect condition. 

Gas Leaks

Many homeowners experience heater gas leaks at one point or another. Typically, leaks occur due to worn-out gas supply valves. Whenever you smell a gas odor in your house, turn off your unit as quickly as possible and contact a trained technician.

Final Thoughts

Heaters are essential home comfort equipment in every home. But unfortunately, they experience gas leaks, clogged filters, old age, and broken heat exchangers. 
